Our Products

Ultra-Premium Vape Cartridges

Ultra-Premium Gourmet Gummy Edible

Ultra-Premium Live Resin Softgels
Packaging and Presentation
We are currently the only brand in the hemp industry to feature the patented Push-Tin design utilized in gummies and softgels packaging. We always agreed that mylar bags or other traditional plastic packaging did not represent the quality standard we want to achieve within our brand. The aluminum containers are recyclable, sustainable, resealable and reusable in many ways. The rubber gasket around the lid creates an air tight seal to preserve the freshness of the product throughout its final use. The outer jacket that slides over the inner box creates a complex child safety lock.
Although none of the following points are currently required by (US) legislation, we are committed to all of our packaging having top level child safety locks. It is important that the child safety locks are able to be used multiple times; not compromised after first use. Our packaging is intended to look professional and discreet. We intentionally design all packaging to not visibly display the supplement that’s inside, as this to can be enticing to children. Our designs never look cartoonish or resemble candy. We practice high ethical standards and social responsibility to ensure our supplement does not end up in the hands of someone it is not intended for. We want give our retailers an added level of confidence and pride when selling our brand in their communities.
Commitment to
CCell brand cartridges and devices stand alone as a worldwide industry leader through a patented design that utilizes a ceramic coil heating mechanism; ceramic cell, hence the brand name, CCell. They are the most reliable hardware available and only are available through (5) distributors in the US, two of which we already have great working relationships with. These are the most dependable devices in the vape market. The chief complaint of other brand’s hardware is a malfunctioning device. We always guarantee full functionality of all Ccell devices we distribute.
As California continues to pioneer the market of cannabis, their testing guidelines are some of the strictest in all states that offer a medical or recreational cannabis programs. CCell is one of very few brands that continuously passes the heavy metal testing guidelines regulated by the State of California. They are widely recognized and partnered with some of the most successful companies nationwide for this reason.
As previously mentioned, and for the reasons noted above, CCell hardware is the only hardware we use on all vapes we produce. Very few hemp derived brands are utilizing this hardware due to CCell’s high cost. As many others might see this as an opportunity to cut production cost drastically; we see it as a long-term opportunity of solidifying our brand as an industry leader in quality through a strong partnership with CCell and their distributors. This is a great selling point and way to differentiate among an already crowded vape market. Consistent and Reliable performing hardware; with quality ingredients and professional packaging, brings to market a very competitive product.